“Please read prior to your appointment to save time when you arrive at salon 55”
Terms and conditions for appointments from 4th July
I understand that I am opting for an appointment having read and answered no to the terms of booking form and currently have no symptoms stated.
I understand that the world health organisation has declared COVID 19 a worldwide pandemic and is extremely contagious and can spread from person to person.
I am happy to follow the procedure set out by SALON 55 to socially distance when in this environment to minimise the risk and take the precautions needed.
I understand that the staff and management are closely monitoring the COVID 19 situation and have put in place reasonable preventative measures aimed at reducing the risk, however given the nature of the virus I understand that there is an inherent risk of becoming infected with COVID 19 by virtue of proceeding with my treatment. I hereby acknowledge and assume the risk of becoming infected with COVID 19 through this elective treatment and I give my permission to proceed.
I understand that i will be required to wear ppe of a gown, towel and disposable mask if my appointment time is longer than 30min, additional cleaning will be taking place throughout my treatment this will be charged for at an extra £2 to each bill.
- Have you experienced ANY of the following in the last 14 days?
Temperature or fever
New cough
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Flu like symptoms such as fatigue, headache
Nausea or Diarrhoea
Chills or shivering
Muscle pain or rash
Loss of taste or smell
If you answer no to the above please continue, if yes please let us know as you may not be able to come in for your appointment.
- Have you been diagnosed or suspected of having COVID 19?
If yes when was your test?
If you are awaiting test results please let us know
- Family or close contact
Are any of your family members or immediate contacts currently sick or experiencing any of the symptoms in Q 1?
Have any of your family members close contacts been diagnosed with COVID 19?
If so when?
- Recent travel
Have you recently travelled internationally or attended a public event in the last 14 days?
- Have any of your family members or close contacts travelled internationally or attended a public event in the last 14 days?
SIGNED………………………………………………………. DATE……………………………………………………………
UPDATE – 26 June 2020
We are excited to welcome you all back on the 4th July, please read all the information below about the guidelines that have been given to us to make your journey hassle free🌸
New guidelines, these do not stop us from carrying out any services or having to wash your hair before hand so if you normally have a dry cut and this has been booked for a wet cut we will adjust that for you but please check when you get your text reminder as your appointment time may have changed slightly. Please make sure if having a colour you arrive with clean hair anyway.
Beauty services cannot yet resume so anyone who has an appointment with Leah please await our instructions on when that will go ahead and do not turn up for appointments that have been made.
All original appointments that were in our system for July have been cancelled to make way for the missed lockdown appointments.
By August we may be able to honour any appointments made , please check this when you are in the salon.
Making your next appointment, please make sure you have a date and time for your next appointment ready when you come to minimise time spent at reception, we will have to get current appointments serviced first so recommend a 6week appointment time, if you normally come more frequent than that this should be able to go back to normal by September.
All staff will be wearing a faceshield at all times during contact with you, all cleaning of equipment and work areas will be carried out prior to all contact with each client including hand sanitisation.
You will only be required to wear a face mask if your appointment is 30minutes or longer, this is not a measure that the government have enforced it is a requirement of Salon 55 to protect staff and clients.
Your mask will be provided, given the nature of our work your own mask could get damaged so we would prefer to use a disposable one.
A £2 charge per client is to be added to your bill for the time of all the new procedures, this helps us as a small business to pay for the extra costs we have with the opening under the strict guidelines it covers all extra cleaning, and PPE that has to be used.
Skin testing, please note you will need a new skin test with us if it is over 6 months since your last colour treatment, or you have been naughty and put a dye on your hair at home which wasn’t our salon product, or if you have had any Covid symptoms during lockdown as this can change your medical condition.
Please email me on info@salon55.co.uk to arrange a time for this as it will not be possible for you to just turn up at the salon without an appointment.
You will be required to read our new terms and conditions of your appointment (posting tomorrow) before you get here, this will just save time when you arrive.
It also keeps a log of people entering the building on a daily basis if ever there is a problem with an outbreak.
A signature is required for this, if you are under 12 an adult can sign on your behalf.
Children’s haircuts, when arranging appointments we were unable to book in children as we were not sure of guidelines regarding children. We now know that it is fine to arrange appointments for them, but strict social distancing by them has to be carried out as well as sanitising and minimal touching of surfaces.
As our book is extremely busy for July we will be happy to welcome all children back in August ready for school haircuts.
Cash, I have been asked about using cash, I know we have all got used to using cards now but we are still happy to accept cash for anyone who likes the old fashioned method, we will use all Covid guidelines to deal with cash in the correct way.
This also includes tips, if people want to tip a member of staff, a box will be kept on the work area of the stylist so no contact has to be made to receive tips and Covid guidelines taken.
Hours we are all working around the clock when we get back to try and service all our lovely clients as soon as possible, please be aware this procedure is all new to us and we will be trying very hard but mistakes and learning curves may happen and we are happy to receive feedback on anything you feel may be helpful to us.
We are sooo looking forward to seeing you all and getting back to some kind of “normal”
Although we will all want to give each other big hugs we will stick to virtual hugs for now.
important announcement
We are pleased to say we are opening our doors again on the 4th July. Some of you are lucky enough to already have an appointment if not please add your name to our priority list and we will try and get back to you asap.
our guidelines so far do not stop us from doing any services which helps a lot so hopefully your normal service will be carried out by your stylist. Please keep checking for the disclaimer that we need every client to sign on entering the salon to ensure we can carry out your service.
Visors will be worn by all staff members and anyone with an appointment which lasts longer than 30 minutes we will be asking if they will wear a face covering.
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back to salon 55 soon.

Following on from the PMs announcement regarding further instruction of the lock down restrictions..
Our doors will remain closed.
We are working closely with our friends at the NHBF (national hair and beauty federation) who are constantly updating us on all of the facts. We will keep you all updated.
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back into the salon with extra safety measures to protect you and the team.
.. Until then, embrace those roots!! You are beautiful!
Stay safe xx
Salon update 29th April
Thank you for your patience at this difficult time.
We are busy preparing the salon for the time we are able to open the doors again, by ensuring everyone’s safety.
We are currently planning out the work areas to socially distance clients from each other and have ppe on order for all staff to wear to keep you and them safe during a haircut or colour service. We have screens for reception and beauty area safe guarding that area.
Because of the social distancing we can only have so many staff in at one time so the hours of working will be different, opening longer hours more days.
We will be prioritising appointments for the people who have been waiting the longest and everyone who has had an appointment during lock down will get a call to arrange for them to come in. If you already have an appointment booked in we will probably be asking you to push it back making way for those who are most in need.
Hope this helps you all to know what we will happen when we get up and running.
Any questions please email me on info@salon55.co.uk
Stay safe see you soon
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to make this announcement, but after nights worrying about the current situation.
With the continued impact of the Coronavirus, following the Governments recent advice and in order to to aid the measures that are in place to reduce the spread of Covid-19 we have take the decision that as of Saturday 21st March we have closed our salon temporarily. (2 weeks to start unless told otherwise)
Our primary concern is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our clients and staff.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused but we must all come together to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. We thank you for your patience, understanding and support during these extremely difficult times for us all.
We want to THANK YOU for the incredible support you have shown us during this time. These moments of adversity have brought all the members of our salon 55 family closer together in so many ways and we hope that you feel as proud as we do, to be part of such a supportive community.
We would also like to thank our team who have pulled together, supported each other, kept calm and delivered their best during this challenging time ❤️
Whilst it might not be possible to visit our salon in person, please stay in touch through social media, message us and we will try and answer any of your questions, you can contact us via email
We are going to stay in touch on Facebook so look out for our posts !
We wish you and your loved ones good health and we will keep you updated with all the latest information referring to the salon reopening.
As always, we want to thank you for your ongoing support and we cannot wait to welcome you back in to the salon as soon as that is safely possible.
Reminder to all clients it is never OK to cut your own hair, however desperate you may be!!! ✂️💇😭
Team salon 55 xxx